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The Grand Rapids Newsletter

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Mailing List Help Information

Welcome to our newsletter help file. This help file will attempt to answer some basic questions that you as a subscriber may have about this mailing list.

Common Questions
  1. How did I get this newsletter?
    Our Grand Rapids Newsletter currently does not require subscribers to double opt-in prior to being subscribed to any of our mailing lists. This is done for ease of use. Its easy to subscribe and easy to unsubscribe. We also include a unsubscribe link in all newsletters that are sent out. Someone that thought you might like this publication may have entered your email, like wise if you know of someone that might enjoy our newsletter please enter it in the form above. We don't spam and everything we send out, could be read by any member of the family. Our goal is simply to let folks know about local coupons, deals, events along with some lighthearted reading.
  2. How do I remove myself from this mailing list?

    E-Mail Address
  3. What is this e-mail that I received?
    This is the home of the Grand Rapids Newsletter, keeping you up to date on the best local deals and coupons from our local West Michigan businesses. Along with coupons and great deals each newsletter has some fun reading like interesting and amusing fun facts, and or helpful tech tips. The Newsletter is sent out usually weekly. If you know of any great local businesses, coupons, deals or events that should be spotlighted please let us know, we may include them in our next newsletter! webmaster at
  4. How do I update my personal details for this mailing list?
    You can update your personal details by visiting the Update User Profile page.